Thursday, March 15, 2012

On treating people with respect...

Some days I'm just do disgusted with the human race.
Today is one of those days.
I just can't fathom the way some people treat other human beings. Because that's what they are: human beings. With emotions, hopes, dreams, and fears.
And just because someone has a different lifestyle, or you can tell they've had a rough road to go through, that is no excuse, no excuse, not to treat them with respect.
Every single living thing on this Earth deserves the same respect, despite how you might feel about them, or the things they do.

On these days, when I get so disgusted, so repulsed, so offended with the way we treat each other... I lose just a little bit more faith in humanity.
And that scares me.
Because I want to love where I come from, I want to love the people around me, and I want to be proud to be a person here on this Earth.
I don't wan that pride to be stolen from me by the actions of those who haven't have the same eye-opening experiences as I have.
And I know that I should practice what I preach, and love these people despite the way they are treating others... and I truly am trying.

And I come home... and I write... and I visit all of your lovely blogs... and I look at photographs of pure joy in the world... and I try to remind myself that this is truly a beautiful place that we come from. And I do believe that. Some days I just need a bit more reassuring. I can't let the small fraction of people on this planet that don't get it... the value of respect and what human life is really worth... cloud my view of the good. The good, pure, true, love that surrounds us.

There is good in this world.
There is good in all people.
Some days you just have to look a little harder to find it.

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